Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Ring Yeay!


30 days to the engagement


Last week on the 24th (36 days before the engagement) we went to Habib Jewels, Suria Sabah to get my ring.

Yes they have resized the ring. They promised to call but they didn’t. So I called them to ask about the ring and yeah, it’s done.

So after work we went there to pick up the ring yeay!

1 *Silly pose by me



 *Hey people! This is my ring!



2011-06-24 17.41.28

*Yes, we are getting engaged. Bye.




Thursday, June 23, 2011

Long List


37 days to the engagement day

Misi kemarin untuk pergi survey kedai pengantin di KK Plaza untuk jahit baju gagal. Sebab Encik Jay pergi urus telefon pintar barunya, dan sudah lambat. Ada janji pula menonton wayang dengan Ona and hubby. Oleh itu ditunda saja ke kemudian hari.

Sementara itu, ini sedikit sebanyak yang diperlukan disetelkan untuk majlis nanti.

  1. Hantar kain ke tailor (plus jahit manik pink)
  2. Beli songkok & samping Encik Jay
  3. Cari make up artist and hairdresser yang can do me awal pagi (sebab majlis diawalkan dari pukul2 petang ke pukul 10 pagi)
  4. Survey & beli deko untuk dulang
  5. Order kek, cupcake
  6. Beli coklat (Kak Lini, Labuan)
  7. Manicure pedicure (teeehee)
  8. New contact lense (gray colour)
  9. Facial treatment few times before the engagement

Berdebar campur eksaited. Ya memang penyakit aku ni suka eksaited. Tapi kali ni punya ni priceless punya eksaited ni. I am getting engaged in 37 days! InsyaAllah.

Kamu, terima kasih kerana telah menjumpai saya. Thanks coz you found me.



Cinoi xo

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chiffon Beaded

38 days to the engagement

Kemarin, Alhamdulillah, kami sudah pun membeli kain untuk dibuat baju yang dipakai time tunang nanti. Yeay!! Cewaahh ayat. Sebenarnya aku rasa awkward gila menulis ni knowing that no one will read this until someday when i decide to make this blog public. Ha ha. Apa-apa la Cinoi. Dan sebenarnya aku belum pun bagitau Encik Jay tentang kehadiran blog ni, surprise konon.Kain Tunang Jakel 6   

Ok. termasuk kemarin ada 3 kali suda mungkin kami ke Jakel. Finally kemarin baru beli betul-betul. Banyak pilihan. Aku pilih chiffon beaded warna tiffany blue yang memang datang 1 kayu. Means 1 kayu tu 4 meter sahaja.

1 set ada chiffon beaded 4m, satin lining 4m dan satin untuk buat baju melayu lelaki 4.5m. Walaupun harganya agak tinggi juga bagi aku, tapi puas hati, kan Encik Jay. Lagipun Encik Jay cakap, bertunang ni sekali saja seumur hidup. Baiklah! Hilang terus rasa bersalah membeli kain mahal.Kain Tunang Jakel 4

Kain sudah dibeli. Tempat menjahit belum decide lagi. Petang ni lepas kerja aku & Encik Jay plan mau survey kedai-kedai dan harga upah jahitan di KK Plaza. Lagipun kan aku mau tambah manik warna pink atas kain tu. Sebab mau tema biru pink konon. Encik Jay akan pakai samping kaler putih pink. Selendang aku putih pink. So untuk kasi nampak sedikit lagi pink, aku berhasrat mahu tambah manik pink di atas kain chiffon beaded tersebut. Kain Tunang Jakel 5

Aku sebenarnya takut juga upah jahitan menjadi mahal sebab ingin menambah manik pink di atas chiffon yang beaded sudah. Mesti agak susah itu kerja, dan upahnya pun mesti sedikit mahal nanti dan saya tidak mahu ada berlebih pembaziran dalam majlis ini. Tapi Encik Jay asyik cakap “Tidak apa lah, tunang hanya sekali” Terima kasih ya, tenang sikit hati saya.

By end of this week, kain mesti sudah dihantar ke tailor untuk dijahit.Mesti! InsyaAllah.

Kain Tunang Jakel 1


Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan. Amin.





*Hari ini di –>

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Colour of the “Road To The Beginning”


The colour theme this blog is blue and pink (hopefully i can find one right tiffany blue)

Why blue and pink? Because Encik Jay like blue, and i love pink. The combination looks nice, so why not. 

Our outfit for the engagement is also blue+pink ;) But I guess it will be more to blue. Because it is hard to find the said combination. And I am not sure if we have enough time to add some more pink manik on my baju. We even haven't buy the kain yet ;) 

So, yeah, blue and pink.

Engagement Ring

39 days to the engagement


So we bought the engagement ring yesterday.

After contemplating between yellow gold and white gold, we decide to have a white gold with diamond for the engagement ring, and yellow gold for the wedding ring.3

Actually we’ve been surveying diamond ring all over the places, CP, Wisma Merdeka, 1Borneo. I Love Diamond, Lazo Diamond, Habib Jewels, SK Jewellery and few others.1

We finally decide Habib Jewels, and we visited both Suria and 1Borneo Habib jewels store, since last week.  Yesterday we bring along En.Jay’s mother, Ibu to help me decide. I finally decide myself with the help from Encik Jay and assist from Ibu.2

The adjustment for the ring will take approximately 3 days. I am a size 10. The ring I choose was a bit loose on my finger. 7Oh itu bukan cincinnya ya. Itu cuma size ring, untuk cari ukuran jari aku heeeee.

The feeling after buying the ring is extraordinary. I had this kind of indescribable  feelings inside me. A bit of excited and it is unbelievable “I’m buying an engagement ring??!! Seriously??” (Actually bukanlah I’m buying. Haha It was actually Encik Jay la kan, I mean “Eh biar betul aku pergi cari cincin tunang sudah” kan?? ). Encik Jay felt the same way too. It is a wow feeling. Terima kasihTuhan.

5 6


With Love,



*Hari ini di cinoi. com –>

Monday, June 13, 2011

The road to the beginning starts today

I officially started this blog today.

The road to the beginning.
Beginning of a new life as two.
I know I am still far from that, what matter now is I already see the way.

InsyaAllah, if God wills, everything will work as it planned, and will plan.

For this time being, this blog is private. Readable only for me and my other half. Eh wow I just said "my other half". Teeheeee.

Till then.

With Love,